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Action: Seek

Seek [Image: A lamia seeks out the Ranger hiding in the banks of a river.] [Image: Single Action symbol] Seek takes one Action. If you are seeking Hidden, Undetected, or Unnoticed creatures: Choose an area. The GM may have you select a 30 foot cone or a 15 foot burst within line of sight if precision is needed. [Image: An example of a 30 foot cone and a 15 foot burst on a gridded map] The GM attempts a Secret Perception check for you, then compares the result to the Stealth DCs of any creatures in the area. Critical Success: Undetected or Hidden creatures become observed by you. Success: Undetected creatures become Hidden from you, and Hidden creatures become Observed by you. Sometimes creatures will remain hidden, such as when you’re using an imprecise sense to Seek or the creature is invisible. If you are seeking to find objects: You search up to a 10 foot square adjacent to you. [Image: Example of a 10 foot square on a gridded map] The GM attempts a Secret Perception check for you, then compares the result to the DCs of any objects in the area. Critical Success: You learn the object’s location. Success: You learn the object’s location or get a clue to where it is, as determined by the GM. The GM may require Seek to be an Activity rather than an Action if the area is cluttered. Seek - CRG pg 471 Simply PF2e, created by Quinn L. Stone and product of Eldritch Osiris Games #85, posted March 22nd, 2023
A lamia seeks out the Ranger hiding in the banks of a river.
Player Core pg 439

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[Image: A lamia seeks out the Ranger hiding in the banks of a river.]

[Image: Single Action symbol] Seek takes one Action.

If you are seeking Hidden, Undetected, or Unnoticed creatures:

Choose an area. The GM may have you select a 30 foot cone or a 15 foot burst within line of sight if precision is needed.

[Image: An example of a 30 foot cone and a 15 foot burst on a gridded map]

The GM attempts a Secret Perception check for you, then compares the result to the Stealth DCs of any creatures in the area.

Critical Success: Undetected or Hidden creatures become observed by you.

Success: Undetected creatures become Hidden from you, and Hidden creatures become Observed by you.

Sometimes creatures will remain hidden, such as when you’re using an imprecise sense to Seek or the creature is invisible.

If you are seeking to find objects:

You search up to a 10 foot square adjacent to you.

[Image: Example of a 10 foot square on a gridded map]

The GM attempts a Secret Perception check for you, then compares the result to the DCs of any objects in the area.

Critical Success: You learn the object’s location.

Success: You learn the object’s location or get a clue to where it is, as determined by the GM.

The GM may require Seek to be an Activity rather than an Action if the area is cluttered.

Player Core pg 439

Simply PF2e, created by Quinn L. Stone and product of Eldritch Osiris Games

#65, posted March 22nd, 2023



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