Epi's Tome
by Gwenevere Rothwell

Dec 1, 2023
Archetypes in Pathfinder have always been the system’s staple. Between that and the mentality that “every level should have something, no level should ever be a dead level” are the two core aspects that make Pathfinder stand out from its competitors. Pathfinder 2nd Edition takes both of these mindsets to a new level. There are no dead levels in Pathfinder 2nd Edition, you’re always gaining something and archetypes can completely change how a character plays.
Nov 24, 2023
Being Deceptive
Deception in Pathfinder 2nd Edition covers a lot of ground with its abilities. It is the combination of Bluff and Disguise from Pathfinder 1st Edition, which makes playing a more Ethan Hunt style character a lot easier. It is a skill that focuses on misleading others, either through lying, disguises, diversions, or feinting in combat.
Oct 27, 2023
Versatile Heritages
Versatile Heritages are a relatively new and completely unique element of Pathfinder 2nd Edition. They kind of remind me of Templates from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, but instead of making your character only slightly different with a few +1s here and there, it’s instead a complete overhaul of your Ancestry.
May 19, 2023
Build Into Character
So, you’re playing Pathfinder 2nd Edition, you’ve got this fancy build made and even planned it out all the way to level 20. You go to discuss it with your friends while feeling super excited, but then you realize they’re talking about these interesting and in depth backstories and you… have nothing. You have a build, but not a character. So, what do you do?
Apr 14, 2023
Simplicity of Bulk
In most games, the idea of carrying capacity can be a bit of a headache to track, especially when it converts it into a pound based system. Sure you have a solid grasp of the exact amount that your character can hold in their arms, but it can get a bit tedious and out of control and turns into a crunch game all on its own...
Apr 14, 2023
Let's Talk Roleplay
Roleplaying is the act of playing within a role. Straightforward enough, right? When you play a TTRPG, you take on a role—a character. These sorts of games are best experienced when you make an actual character with goals, a personality, ideals, motivations, and morals...